Opportunities to join our team:
Two Ph.D. and several MS students positions are available with our lab through Health and Biomedical Data Science program. The program description is available for Ph.D. HERE and MS HERE and prospective students can apply HERE (George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health)
Ph.D. - Health and Biomedical Data Science (Track: Applied Bioinformatics)
MS - Health and Biomedical Data Science (Track: Applied Bioinformatics)
A post-doctoral scientist position in Omics Data Science is available with our lab: https://www.gwu.jobs/postings/72641
A post-doctoral scientist position in Computational Biology is available with our lab: https://www.gwu.jobs/postings/86180. This position focuses on method development for infectious diseases and particularly COVID-19.
A Research Scientist position jointly sponsored by the GW Cancer Center (https://cancercenter.gwu.edu/), Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Tropical Medicine (the laboratory of Dr. Katherine Chiappinelli) and the Computational Biology Institute/Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, in Washington, DC (the Rahnavard lab and the Crandall lab): https://www.gwu.jobs/postings/89480
Multiple research assistant positions (we extended it to 4 positions) are available to GW students to join our lab: https://gwu-studentemployment.peopleadmin.com/postings/6779
Two summer Interns (extendable to one year) are available in our lab: Please send an email and with your CV to rahnavard AT gwu DOT edu, if you are interested (open for summer 2022).
We are looking for postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate level students to join our team. Please contact rahnavard@gwu.edu if you are interested. Please request to arrange a visit or meeting if you are already at the GW!